Monday, July 4, 2011

City to Surf Training

Whether you’re walking, jogging or running the City to Surf, hopefully you’re well into your training as there are now less than 6 weeks to go. As mentioned in our newsletter last month, interval training is one of the best ways to increase your fitness. Set yourself targets to achieve in each training session and train with a friend to make it easier to stay motivated.

Don't forget to train for Heartbreak Hill

For most people, the hardest part of the City to Surf is the 2 km ascent from Rose Bay to Vaucluse, otherwise known as “Heartbreak Hill”. To best prepare yourself for this, you should incorporate some hill training. If you’re training outdoors, choose a route with 1 or 2 challenging hills. If you’re training on a treadmill, set the incline at around 5%.

Don’t forget to take it easy when you’re starting off as hill training can be hard on your calf muscles. Then gradually build up to longer durations as you get fitter.

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