Fortunately my work keeps me fit, but I also need to keep fit for my work. However, I actually enjoy doing my own workouts and other activities to stay active and have been for as long as I can remember. Here’s what I got up to in the past week:
- Monday – ran 2 km with clients; weights workout in the gym
- Tuesday – weights workout in the gym followed by swim at the beach
- Wednesday – bodyboarding
- Thursday – ran 5 km with clients; core workout in the gym followed by swim at the beach
- Friday – ran 3 km with clients; weights workout in the gym
- Saturday – ran 7 km with clients
- Sunday – kayaking
While you may not want to be as ‘crazy’ or extreme as me, the key to being active is enjoyment and variety. I enjoy what I do and also I try not to do the same thing everyday.
If you want to become more active, then you will need to find activities that you will enjoy doing to minimise the boredom factor. We live in the ‘lucky country’ so there are hundreds of activities that you can choose from, including:
- walking (;
- run around, play backyard cricket or throw a frisbee with your kids;
- indoor rock climbing;
- buy yourself a table tennis table and challenge your family and friends;
- go snorkeling (it’s amazing what you can find at many of our beautiful beaches)
- cycling (;
- playing sport (soccer, tennis, golf, netball);
- sailing (crews occasionally will look for an extra pair of hands, even without any experience);
- 10-pin bowling;
- gardening; and
- yes, shopping (you’ll be surprised how far you can walk when you shop, especially if you don’t take the escalators or lifts).
Ask your friends and family what they got up to on the weekend or in their holidays and there may be something that will interest you.
By Andrew Ho, the owner and principal trainer of Health Jigsaw.
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