Thursday, August 25, 2011

Get The Most Out Of Your Workouts

Some of us train within our comfort zones, but if you keep doing the same thing all the time you won’t see any improvements. If you’re not trimming down, toning up, or feeling any fitter, it could be because you’ve hit a plateau. There are many reasons why this can happen, but you can change things up and get back to achieving results.

Vary your workouts or activities to avoid boredom.

You Always Run at the Same Pace

If you want to increase your speed, interval training is the way to go as you’re teaching your muscles to use energy more efficiently so you can go faster.

If you’re running on a treadmill, start by warming up at a easy pace, then run at your normal pace for one minute followed by running at slightly faster pace for a minute, back to your normal pace for a minute, and so on. If you’re outside, you can use telegraph poles as markers – run at your normal pace past 4 poles, then increase your pace past 4 poles and back to your normal pace past another 4 poles.

The aim is to gradually lengthen the faster-paced intervals and increase the tempo.

You Do Whatever

Do you walk into the gym and then decide what what exercises you’re going to do? Do you know the reps, sets, tempo and rest you’re going to use? To achieve results, what you train, when you train, how you train and even why you train, should be included in your program (which needs to be specific to you and your goals).

You’re Doing the Same Weight Circuit as Last Year
If you’ve noticed that the circuit seems easy, it’s because your muscles have adapted to the circuit and are bored with doing the same exercises. To become stronger, you need to continuously challenge your muscles by mixing things up, such as using machines, free weights, resistance bands or your body weight. You can also play around with the number of sets and reps, amount of weight, length of rest periods between sets and the overall number and order of exercises.

You Only Cycle or Do Yoga

There is nothing wrong with cycling or yoga but if they are the only form of exercise you do, then try other activities. It’s all about challenging your body and keeping your regime interesting. Choose something that you and your family/friends will enjoy. Or set yourself a goal to do the Sydney to Gong Ride, City to Surf or a half marathon for the first time.

See A Personal Trainer’s Week for more ideas on what you can do or get involved with some of the social events that Health Jigsaw organises each month.

Eat What You Want

Just because you’re doing some exercise it doesn’t mean you can eat McDonald’s or KFC everyday. As discussed in The 70-30 Rule, your diet is the most factor in a healthy lifestyle. Eating not only involves what you eat, but also how much you eat and your emotions play a big part as well.

Your Recovery

If you are constantly smashing yourself you can end up overtraining, which can sometimes be worse than under training. Your body needs sufficient time between workouts to recovery properly.

Recovery also involves getting enough quality sleep each night. Try not to be watch TV or have bright lights on just before going to bed as it could taking you longer to fall asleep. The body uses the time while you are asleep to recover, both physiologically and psychologically (see Keys To Better Sleep).

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Please note that before you begin any fitness program, consult your doctor first, especially if you are over 40 years old, have health related issues or have not exercised for an extended period of time.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

City to Surf – Before, During and After

There are now just 10 days before the City to Surf. Hopefully you’ve got time set aside for one more long training session to prepare you for the day. Here are a few tips to help you before, during and after the big day.

The Day/Night Before the Run

To ensure that you have enough energy to get you through the race, it is recommended that you eat a low-fat, carbohydrate-rich meal the night before. You can’t really go wrong with pasta with tomato-based sauce. And definitely NO ALCOHOL!!

Make sure you drink enough water so that your urine is pale to clear throughout the day.

The Morning of the Run

Get up early to eat (at least 2 hours before your starting time) and maintain your hydration. Examples of a good breakfast include:
  • Cereal or porridge with low-fat milk and fruit.
  • Toast or muffin with honey, jam, marmalade or Vegemite.
  • Sandwich with banana and honey.
  • Smoothie with low-fat milk, low-fat yoghurt and fruit.
  • Low-fat cereal or sports bar.
  • Fresh fruit salad with low-fat yoghurt.

Wear some old clothes to keep warm and then you can discard them before the start. They will be collected and given to charity.

During the Run

Have at least one drink at each of the 6 drink stations spread out over the 14 km course:
  • Station 1 (water only) – Cranebrook Rose Bay (at about the 3.5 km mark).
  • Station 2 (water & Gatorade) – Lyne Park Rose Bay (just after the 5 km mark).
  • Station 3 (water & Gatorade) – Vaucluse (at about the 7.5 km mark).
  • Station 4 (water only) – Kimberley Reserve Vaucluse (at about the 9 km mark).
  • Station 5 (water & Gatorade) – Dudley Page Reserve Dover Heights (at about the 10 km mark).
  • Station 6 (water only) – North Bondi opposite golf course (just after the 12 km mark).

While Heartbreak Hill gets all the attention, don’t forget about the rise up through Edgecliff and the incline not long after Heartbreak Hill. When you run up hills keep upright, do not bend over at the waist thinking that you are leaning in to the hill. Make sure you run with your shoulders relaxed, chest up, pushing your hips through, this will allow your hips to get full extension and get better leg drive.

After the Run

Stretch, re-hydrate and eat (this does not mean sit on beach, alcohol and McDonalds). To help your recovery, jump in the surf to “ice” the legs. This will constrict blood vessels and decreases metabolic activity, which reduces swelling and tissue breakdown. Once out of the surf the underlying tissues will warm up, causing a return of faster blood flow, which helps return the by-products of cellular breakdown to the lymph system for efficient recycling by the body.

Most Important Tip

Have fun – it is a FUN RUN, so soak up the atmosphere and enjoy the day!!