Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beating the Statistics

It was reported in today’s newspapers ( that in 15 years, just 28% of the Australian population would be of healthy weight.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is not all about weight loss. I’ll let you in on a little secret – it’s fairly easy to achieve. Watch what you eat and how much you eat, and get physically active. There is no need for magic pills, meal replacement shakes or any of those gadgets you see advertised on TV at 2am.

Being active means you will be able to keep up with your kids, handle stress better, feel more confident about yourself, enjoy your retirement, spend your hard earned cash on holidays instead of medical bills and yes, even perform better in bed.

So do you want to be “normal” (overweight/obese) or “abnormal” (healthy weight) in 2025?

You can do something about it. Enjoy the festive season but make it a new year’s resolution and change your lifestyle to beat the statistics.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fast Food Guide

Did you know that Hungry Jack’s Ultimate Double Whopper burger has roughly the same amount of kilojoules (or calories) as 12 bottles of Pure Blonde beer. If you eat one of these burgers, you will need to walk for about 4 HOURS to burn the energy off.

Fast food can often be high in saturated fat, salt and kilojoules, and low in fibre, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, excessive consumption of fast food can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

We’ve put together a Fast Food Guide, which looks at the menus of the three biggest fast food chains in Australia (McDonald’s, Hungry Jack’s and KFC). Hopefully the guide will allow you to make “healthier” choices should you decide to eat at these restaurants.

If you would like a copy of this guide, simply follow the link below and it’s yours.